Rowland Emett was a cartoonist for Punch Magazine, artist, inventor and builder of  mechanical 'things'. Some of his more famous work are the car and inventions that appeared in the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. However, to older generations his Emettland, Baked Potato Halt and Home of the Future and many other weird and wonderful mechanical devices stick in the memory.

​But for how long?

​With a few exceptions like the Water Clock in the Victoria Shopping Centre, Nottingham there is nothing of his work on permanent display in the UK. Exhibitions of his machines can be seen in the US and Canada but much of what is in the Uk is in private collections.

​The Rowland Emett Society was formed to allow anyone interested in the work of Frederick Rowland Emett to discover more about his remarkable cartoons, artwork and machines.

​The Society is open to all who are keen to preserve and promote his work and, initially, will be engaged in compiling a comprehensive catalogue and gathering information about the current whereabouts of his original artwork and whimsical machines.

​If you would like to join the Society, either to express your interest or help gathering together Emettiana please go to 

The Rowland Emett Society